Crate timrs_hkt_macro

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§ hkt_macro

Latest Version Test Lint Code Standards’ hkt_macro is a Rust library that helps you emulate Higher-Kinded Types (HKTs) using traits. It makes it easier to handle more advanced type scenarios and create flexible, reusable code. If you need HKTs in Rust, hkt_macro can be a handy tool.

§Table of Contents


Run the following command to install the hkt_macro crate:

$ cargo install timrs_hkt_macro


You can find the documentation for timrs_hkt_macro here, it provides all the information you need to get started


Thanks Massimiliano Tomassoli for the original implementation of this Higher-Kinded Type emulation system.


  • Macro for defining a Higher-Kinded Type of a specific arity.

Derive Macros§